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Open Call: Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program

 Deadline Date: March 15, 2025 

 Donor Name: U.S. Mission to Kenya

The U.S. Embassy Nairobi, Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) of the U.S. Department of State invites proposals for programs that strengthen ties between the United States and Kenya and promote bilateral cooperation.

All programs must advance a U.S. linkage including, for example, a connection with American expert/s, organization/s, or institution/s in a specific field that will promote increased understanding of U.S. policies, economic models, and perspectives on the U.S.-Kenya partnership. 

Focus Areas
  • Proposals must address one of the following key program areas:
    • Economic Prosperity – Advances the prosperity of the United States and Kenya through a fair and reciprocal economic partnership, the strengthening of Kenya’s business climate, support for its startup ecosystem, clean energy solutions and climate change resiliency, and education that skills the next generation of workers. 
    • Democracy and Governance – Deepens the bilateral relationship on a broad range of common interests including respect for human rights, safeguarding civic space, rule of law, public accountability, anti-corruption efforts, shared democratic values, and protection of fundamental freedoms. 
    • U.S.-Kenya Creative Economy Partnership – Engage creative economy leaders, the Kenyan public, the investor community, and government officials in support of creative economy development and U.S.-Kenya partnership. Program goals could include Government of Kenya policies adopted in support of creative economy growth, advancement of intellectual property protections, U.S.-Kenya creative industry investment opportunities, public understanding and support for U.S. creative economy engagement in Kenya, strengthening of professional networks across different industries, and development of Kenyan university initiatives that facilitate creative economy education and job growth.   
    • U.S.-Kenya Higher Education Partnership – Launching and strengthening of long-term joint initiatives between Kenyan and U.S. universities, especially focused on technology, joint research, and private-sector job growth.  Program goals could include mutually beneficial tech, education, and business developments for students, researchers, startups, faculty, and larger commercial enterprises.  Proposed fields for U.S.-Kenya university cooperation could include trade and investment, economic growth, renewable energy and green industrialization, global health advancements, and security cooperation. 
Funding Information
  • Award amounts: awards may range from a minimum of $15,000 to a maximum of $50,000.
  • Length of performance period: Six to Twelve months 
Ineligible Programs
  • The following types of programs are not eligible for funding:
    • Programs relating to partisan political activity; 
    • Charitable or development activities; 
    • Construction programs; 
    • Programs that support specific religious activities; 
    • Fund-raising campaigns; 
    • Lobbying for specific legislation or programs; 
    • Scientific research or specific academic research; 
    • Programs intended primarily for the growth or institutional development of the organization; or 
    • Scholarships or tuition assistance 
    • Commercial or for-profit activities, including seed money; or 
    • Programs that duplicate existing programs. 
Participants and Audiences 
  • Kenyans who may be in any of the following categories; 
  • Kenyans between the ages of 16 and 35, including students, civil society leaders and social influencers; 
  • Business leaders and rising entrepreneurs; 
  • Established opinion leaders, including cultural influencers and academic institution leadership. 
Eligibility Criteria
  • The following registered U.S. and Kenyan organizations and individuals are eligible to apply:
    • Registered not-for-profit organizations, including think tanks and civil society/nongovernmental organizations 
    • Non-profit educational institutions 
    • Individuals 
    • Governmental institutions 

For more information, visit


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